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Retinue of lord Narasimha

Writer: Laxmi Narasimha Sadhana kendraLaxmi Narasimha Sadhana kendra

Every deity has it's own retinue which needs to be worshipped along with the deity to get his/her full blessings, according to the vedic and tantrik scriptures. The retinue usually consists of vyuha devatas, parivar devatas, Anga-upanga-pratyanga devatas/vidyas, astra-ayudha devatas, vaahana, aasana, Navagraha - ashta dikpalas, yoginis, primordial seers of the mantra, Kshetra rakshak devatas. They all have 10% japa, havan, tarpan, Marjan and Bali adhikar. Otherwise one has to do extra amount of moola mantra japa to compensate for them. If these deities are not pleased then they can create obstacles in the path of Sadhana through mundane and spiritual problems. If they're pleased then they help the seeker in multiple ways making life easy. For higher levels of Sadhana, siddhi, atma, bramha and tatva dnyan prapti these Anga devatas are very important as they can pose problems in the growth of sadhak if not worshipped. If worshipped properly they help in cleansing, opening, activation chakras related to their energies, opening the nadis, correcting the flow of energies and most importantly taking care of mundane needs of the seeker because of which moola mantra gives faster spiritual results and seeker achieves dharma, artha, kaama and moksha.

Following are the devatas in the retinue of lord Narasimha. Here this post is given for informative purpose. Follow them only after initiation from competent guru.

Vyuha devatas:

1) Mahavishnu (Vaasudev)

2) Narasiṁha (sankarshan)

3) Varaah (Aniruddha)

4) Pratikaama/rudra (pradyumna)

Parivar devatas:

1) Shri Devi/Laxmi

2) Bhu devi

3) Vaayu

4) Bramha

5) Rudra

Anga devatas:

1) Narasiṁha (Anushtup mantraraja)

2) Hayagriva

3) Raama (Taaraka)

4) Raaja gopal

5) Bhu Varaah

6) Maha Sudarshan

7) Pakshiraja Garud

8) Dhanvantari

Upaang devatas:

1) Sudarshan (astraraja)

2) Narasimha (maha mantra)

3) Shankha

4) Raam

5) Aatreya

6) Vainateya

7) Vaasudev

8) Nrukesari (Shadakshar)

Pratyanga devatas/ vidyas:

1) Kaartaveerya Arjun

2) Markatesh

3) Maayaa

4) Laxmi

5) Saraswati

6) Aparajita (para apara ajita vaishnavi pratyangira)

Astra-ayudha devatas:

1) Panchajanya (Shankh)

2) Shaarang (Bow)

3) Naarayanaastra (Divine weapon)

4) Sudarshan chakra (discuss)

5) Nandak (khadga/ Sword)

6) Kaumodaki (Mace/ gadaa)

7) Ankush (noose)

8) Musal (club)

9) paash (trap)

10) Kirit (Head gear)

11) Chhatra (cover/shield)

12) chaamar (fans)

13) Dhwaja (Flag)

14) Pataakaa ( victory banner)

15) Parashu (axe)

16) Danda ( magical staff)

17) Vaishnava Astra (Divine weapon)

18) Nakha (Nails)

19) Padma (Mesmerizing Lotus)


1) Garuda


1) Sheshanaag

2) Sarvatobhadra/ Bramhadi mandal devatas (Bramha, Soma, Ishaan, Indra, Agni, Yama, Niruti, Varun, Vaayu, Ashta Vasu, Ekaadash Rudras, Dwaadasha Aadityas, Ashwini Kumaras, Vishwedevas (7), Sashakti Saptarishis or Sapta yakshas (Manibhadra, Siddhartha, Suryatejaa, Sumana, Nandan, Manimanta, Chandraprabh), Ashta naagaas

3) Vaishnavi vimalaadi peetha shaktis

Navagraha & Dasha dikpalas:

1) Surya

2) Chandra

3) Mangal

4) Budha

5) Guru

6) Shukra

7) Shani

8) Rahu

9) Ketu

1) Indra

2) Agni

3) Yama

4) Niruti

5) Varuna

6) Vastu

7) Aapa

8) Ishaan

9) Bramha

10). Ananta

Yogini mandala:

Maha naayaki/ Yoginis:

1) Vaagishwari (uttar)

2) Mahaamaaya (purva)

3) Bhagamaalini (paschim)

4) Ati Bhadrakali/ Shushkarevati (dakshin disha)

Yogini ganas:

1) Sarvaklishta

2) Kanthakarni

3) Trailokyamohini

4) Chakrahradayaa

5) Vyomacharini

6) Shankhini

7) Lekhini

8) Kaalasankarshini

9) Ajita

10) Sukshmahradayaa

11) Vrukshaaveshaa

12) Ashmadarshanaa

13) Nrusimha Bhairavi

14) Kurukullaa

15) Garutpakshahrudaa

16) Mahaanayaa

17) Aakarshani

18) Bhaaruti

19) Uttaramaalikaa

20) Jwaalaamukhi

21) Bhishanikaa

22) Kaamadhenu

23) Baalaa

24) Padmakaraa

Primordial Seers of the Mantra:

1) Bramha

2) Sanakaadi

3) Atri

4) Bharadwaj

5) Naarad

6) Pralhad

Kshetra rakshak devatas:

1) Hanuman

2) Kshetrapal

3) Garuda

4) Sudarshana

Dwara rakshak devatas:

1) Jay

2) Vijay

3) Durga

4) Bhadrakali

*Note : There are multiple names repeating across various sets of deities. So one might get confused. The simple clarification of this is that these deities are worshipped in mantra form so different mantras used in different places have different forms and energies of the same deity. There by differentiating it from the previous.

🙏 Namo Narasimha 🙏


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