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Hanuman has been considered as the epitome of strength, courage, valour, wisdom and devotion throughout our history. To attain these accomplishments for oneself, people have been practicing lord Hanuman's worship in the form of puja, archana and mantra, tantra, yantra sadhanas etc..

By worshipping lord Hanuman many people have gotten their wishes fulfilled. Hanuman is an extremely miraculous deity in himself. He's not only known as the vanquisher of obstacles, difficulties and problems but also the bestower of yoga siddhis, occult powers and nava nidhis i.e. the nine foremost forms of wealth.

By worshipping lord Hanuman, one can vanquish his or her enemies, mitigate diseases, get rid of planetary problems, black magic evil eye, spirit possessions, solve any internal and external problems and fulfil their dharma, artha, kaama and moksha purusharthas.

Lord Hanuman has assumed multiple forms in his pastimes for different purposes. Since he's the ultimate worshipper and follower of the parama purusha his forms, characteristics and nature is also like him. Lord Hanuman has 1 mukhi, 3 mukhi, 5 mukhi, 7 mukhi and 11 mukhi forms which are known to the common public.

Out of which the 5 mukhi or the pancha mukhi form of lord Hanuman has its own peculiar significance and is most revered amongst the sadhakas. He is worshipped by Vaishnava, shaiva, shakta, aghora and natha lineages for attaining devotion, siddhi, occult powers, vanquishing problems and enemies. He's a go to God for any tantrik to solve troublesome and tedious issues pertaining to the spirit possessions and black magic.

Panchamukhi Hanuman as we know was a form taken by lord Hanuman during the Ram Ravan war when Ram and Laxman were captured and taken to the neather realm by Ahiravan and Mahiravan on the behest of dashanan Ravan. They were supposed to offer the bali of Rama and Laxmana to goddess patalika to attain the Bramha pada. These two brothers were extreme tantriks and had attained lots of occult powers and boons from deities. They had a peculiar boon regarding their death. Their life force was stored in 5 lamps in 5 directions and they could only have died when all the 5 lamps were extinguished at the same moment. Which was impossible.

Inorder to convert this seemingly impossible task into a possibility, lord Hanuman assumed the panchamukhi form with 5 faces in 5 directions and blew off the lamps with one breath and ultimately killed Ahiravan and Mahiravan. Each face represented one - one aspect of the purusha; viz. East face being Monkey or Hanuman, South face being Lion or Narasimha, west face being Grippin or Garuda, north face being wild boar or Varaha and upward face being horse or Hayagreeva. Each of them represented different powers of paramatma. East face gives power to destroy enemies and obstacles. South face gives power to destroy spirits, black magic, evil eye and negative psychic vibrations. West face gives power to protect from snakes and other poisonous creatures. It cures toxicity and gives nectar. North face gives all the riches, happiness, prosperity and success in the material world. Upward face gives all the knowledge in the world which also includes bramha Vidya.

These faces also represent 5 elements or pancha tattvas. The monkey face represents the air element, lion face the fire element, Grippin face the sky element, boar face the earth and horse face is water element. They combine together to form the complete universal being. Along side the elements these 5 faces also represent the panchakoshas in which the body of a being or the structure of the universe is divided into.

The monkey face represents the pranamaya kosha, the lion face represents the vidnyanamaya kosha, the eagle face represents the manomaya kosha, the boar face represents the annamaya kosha and the horse face represents the anandamaya kosha.

This very clearly shows why panchamukhi Hanuman stands out amongst all the other forms of Hanuman himself as well as other deities. His being carries so many esoteric symbolisms that by worshipping, understanding and accomplishing the path of pancha mukha hanumat siddhi will yield a person everything that exists between the creation and the dissolution.

Gurudev krutyanandanath has been a great upasaka of lord panchamukhi Hanuman. He was ordained into this practice by his guru krutyakamanandanath. This upasana gave lots of magical powers to gurudev, ensured safety and overall success. Due to this sadhana gurudev have never seen hospital or never needed any medical treatment in last 18 years. No seasons, circumstances and conditions affect their will. Whatever they desire, it gets fulfilled. It protected gurudev from lots of enemies, negativity, black magic, elementals, spirits etc.. Although gurudev have done even higher Sadhanas but this sadhana formed the basis for it.

Now due to recurring requests and seeing the difficult times ahead, with the blessings of his gurudev Shri krutyakamanandanath, gurudev has decided to give this upasana of lord Shri panchamukhi Hanuman to the interested and eligible aspirants.

Benefits of panchamukhi Hanuman sadhana:

- destruction of visible and invisible enemies

- elimination of all sorts of obstacles and problems from one's life

- mitigation of all sorts of ailments from one's mind and body

- granting extreme courage, will power, bravery and firmness of virtuous character

- grants many divine and occult powers in due course of time

- power to perform shatkarmas

- power to exorcise spirits and demons

- grants immeasurable wealth through divine means

- grants healthy and capable progeny

- removes all sorts of malefic planetary effects

- chastises one's sins and misfortunes

- protects from all possible accidents and untimely death

- protects and nourishes one's own vidya, tapobala, sadhana, siddhi and destroys the enemy's vidya, tapobala, sadhana, siddhi.

- gives the power to do attraction of the devatas

- one's all the wishes are fulfilled

- this upasana when continuously done over a long period of time grants powers to help others alleviate their problems.

- greatest benefit of this sadhana is that panchamukhi Hanuman is a complete devata in himself, if the worshipper doesn't know about kuladevata and pitra (ancestral) worship then also if he or she worships panchamukhi Hanuman ardently with full rituals daily then, panchamukhi Hanuman alone can perform all the functions for the worshipper and give success even without knowing the kuladevata and pitras

- it fulfills the practitioner's dharma, artha, kama and grants moksha in the end.

Features of the panchamukhi Hanuman sadhana:

Panchamukhi Hanuman sadhana involves panchamukhi Hanuman idol worship, yantra worship, panchamukhi Hanuman mool mantra sadhana, maha mantra sadhana, individual face mantras (moola mantra, maha mantra and gayatri mantra) of panchamukhi Hanuman, panchamukhi Hanuman hraday, panchamukhi Hanuman stavan. These are all given with the mantra diksha, shaktipat and upadesha by the guru at the time of the diksha. One must practice these step by step to attain full siddhi.

Salient features of the panchamukhi Hanuman diksha:

In this diksha the guru gives initiation of the main panchamukhi Hanuman devata as well as the 5 face devatas. The panchamukhi Hanuman is established into the aspirant in the 5 koshas in the body, in the 6 chakras, in the physical body through nyasa kriya, then guru conducts a special 41 days appeasement puja for lord panchamukhi Hanuman wherein the vigraha puja, yantra puja, japa, havan, tarpan, marjan, bramhan bhojan, bali for each individual face as well as the combined form. This puja invokes lord Hanuman in his panchamukhi form who is then prayed to bless the sadhak and fuse with his/her prana, mana, vaak and chitta. Then the mantra diksha, shaktipat and upadesha of the mantras are given in succession.

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Panchamukhi Hanuman upasana kalpa diksha

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